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About NDU-K

About the National Defence University-Kenya

National Defence University-Kenya (NDU-K) was awarded a Charter on May 27, 2021. The Charter was awarded under Section 24 of the Universities Act, 2012 (Revised 2020) which authorises an entity to seek the status of a specialised degree awarding institution of higher learning. To this end, NDU-K was gazetted under Legal Notice No. 95 of 4 June 2021 as the first university of its kind in Kenya. Operationalisation of the University created an enabling environment for seamless integration of theory and practice in defence and security education whilst also paving the way for collaboration with similar institutions internationally.

NDU-K aspires to develop capacity for teaching, research and innovation focusing on its niche area to facilitate Kenya’s efforts to keep abreast of current and emerging security trends. In this regard, the contemporary security environment calls for a strategic posture that ensures peace and security in furtherance of national development agenda. Against this backdrop, it is imperative to advance the knowledge and skills of defence and security professionals through education and training as a force multiplier in safeguarding national interests in an increasingly competitive global arena. As it marches towards institutional maturity, NDU-K shall continually improve its human resource base, curriculum and research capacity.

The University Seat is located in Lanet, Nakuru County and currently brings together seven (7) premier Colleges affiliated to National Security Organs.


A specialised institution of strategic national importance to offer education, training as well as research in defence, security and strategy.


A centre of excellence in training, education and research in national security and strategy.


To empower defence and security professionals through world-class education and training in order to enhance capacity in safeguarding national interest.


Academic freedom, Honesty, Diversity, Discipline, Integrity, and Responsibility.


NDU-K Colleges
Academic Staff


The university upholds the following principles in executing its mandate;

Academic freedom – The university promotes an environment for faculty staff and students to teach, research and share knowledge in their areas of expertise in an open and free manner.

Honesty – NDU fosters integrity in all its endeavors in order to preserve the trust, and quality of service and education offered by the institution.

Diversity – NDU does not discriminate against any race, ethnicity, class, gender, sexuality, age, and political and religious belief while delivering service to the public.

Discipline – The university upholds the virtues of excellence and discipline in its mission to produce security professionals who are holistically equipped to contribute towards national and regional strategic security needs.

Integrity – NDU endeavors to do what is right, legally and morally, at all times, and adhering to moral and societal principles in executing its mandate.

Responsibility – NDU shall remain committed and accountable in fulfilling its mandate and vision of being a centre of excellence in training, education and research in national security and strategy.