Brig M D Ali holds a Master of Military operational Arts and Sciences (Air University - USAF), Bsc Military Science (Egerton University), Diploma strategic studies (UON), Certificate in Military studies (Egerton University) Electrical Technician (JKUAT), G1 Staff CSE National Defence College (Egypt), Air command & staff college (USA), G2 Staff CSE (Karen), G3 Staff CSE (AFTC)
He was appointed the Principal of the Kenya Defence Forces Technical Training College (DEFTEC) on 20 July 2022. Served as the Chief of Logistics at Kenya Air force HQs from May 2021 to July 2022. Served as the Commander Logistics from Aug 2018 to July 2020. He also served as Colonel Equipment Logistics from March 2016 to July 2017. Served as the Commanding Officer Laikipia Air Base Technical Wing from July 2012 to June 2014. Served in United Nations Mission in Sudan (UNMIS) from 2005 to 2007 as well as African Union Mission in Somalia in 2012.
Defence Forces Technical College (DEFTEC) is a premier institution located at Embakasi Garrison with a mission to train Technical and Information Technology manpower, conduct Research and development for the Kenya Defence Forces, support and sustain industrialization strategy. Under that mission, the college has produced over Ten Thousand Six Hundred (10,600) competitive graduates in Engineering and Information Technology fields. They have been vital in the Units in maintaining and servicing of Land, Air and Maritime-based KDF assets and systems. Information Technology (IT) graduates have also been instrumental in the design, development, installation, operation and maintenance of different systems within KDF. The college has also been able to conduct limited research on various fields.
On 27 May 2021, the National Defence University–Kenya (NDU-K) was granted a Charter and DEFTEC became one of the Colleges of the University. Through the NDU-K, the College is expected to form a fundamental Technological base to support and sustain National Industrialization Strategy. Further, expectation from the College is expanded by the Universities Act No.42 of 2012, that it will conduct research and disseminate the outcomes to the general public with the objective of making a contribution to the social and economic development in the country in addition to giving quality academic training.
The college endevours to develop postgraduate diploma in Armament Technology, BSc in Aaeronautical Engineering (Airframes and Engines option, Avionics option), BSc in Mechatronics, BSc in Marine Engineering and BSc in Information Technology for Defence Systems. Further, the College intends to develop MTech in Weapons in Engineering, MSc in Aeronautical Engineering and MSc in Information Tecnology for Defence Systems.

The College aspires to establish a formidable Research, Design and Development outfit which matches the expectations contained in the National Security Industrialization Policy Implementation Strategy and the identifed priority industrial sectors namely; National Security Food Industry, Arms and Ammunition, Apparels Manufacture, Automative Manufacture and Assembly, Aeronautics and Space Engineering, Marine Engineering, General Engineering, Telecommunications Engineering, Information and Communication Engineering, Medical Engineering, Construction Engineering and Petroleum and Petrochemical Engineering.