University of Namibia Visit NDU-K
A delegation from the University of Namibia (UNAM) recently made a benchmarking visit to National Defence University-Kenya (NDU-K). The delegation led by the Pro-Vice Chancellor Academic Affairs, Prof Gedion Ferdnard was in the country to explore possible areas of partnership and collaboration between NDU-K and UNAB. Others in the delegation were Associate Dean of the School of Military Science Brig Gen Mumba Mahela and Head of Department Military Science Dr Gabriella Nguluwe. Of particular interest to the visiting team was possible collaboration in areas of training, research, running of short courses, teaching and curriculum, lecturer exchange programmes and Peace Support Operations courses.
To aquint themselves with NDU-K, the delegation visited National Defence College (NDC), Joint Command and Staff College (JCSC), Defence Forces Technical College (DEFTEC) and International Peace Support Training Center (IPSTC), all Colleges of NDU-K.
The visiting delegation held discussions with Vice-Chancellor, Maj Gen Said Farah, Deputy Vice-Chancellor (DVC) Research, Innovations and Strategic Studies, Maj Gen William Shume, DVC Academic and Student Affairs, Prof Anne Muigai, Commandant NDC, Maj Gen Rashid Elmi, Commandant JCSC Maj Gen Eric Kinuthia, Director IPSTC Brig Joyce Sitienei and Principal DEFTEC, Brig Ali Dahir, together with institutions’ staff.