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Commission For University Education Inspects Defence College Of Health Sciences

A delegation from the Commission for University Education (CUE) led by Professor Grace Njoroge paid an inspection tou

Kenya’s Military Campus Attracts Cadets from Five African Countries

Within the first year of its existence, the National Defence University-Kenya (NDU-K) based in Lanet, Nakuru City has

NDU-K Matriculates Its First Cadet Cohort

NDU-K Matriculates Its First Cadet Cohort

1st Special Academic Committee of Senate Meeting.

1st Special Academic Committee of Senate Meeting.

Happy KDF Day from National Defence University-Kenya

National Defence University-Kenya wishes all our heroes a Happy KDF Day

NDU-K 1st Regular Academic Committee Senate Meeting

The National Defence University-Kenya (NDU-K) Deputy Vice Chancellor, Academic Affairs and Research (AA&R), Prof

Closing of the National International Trade Fair(NITF-2022).

As the curtain falls on Nairobi International Trade Fair(NITF-2022),we thank those who visited our National Defence U

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